Predictive Processes and the Peculiar Case of Music Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Nov 2018 Stefan Koelsch, Peter Vuust and Karl Friston Abstract We suggest that…
Predictive Processes and the Peculiar Case of Music Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Nov 2018 Stefan Koelsch, Peter Vuust and Karl Friston Abstract We suggest that…
How to turn your interests into a career Nature has made a career feature on scientists from different fields, who merge their life´s passions with…
Musical training predicts cerebello-hippocampal coupling during music listening APA, Sep 2018 Iballa Burunat, Elvira Brattico, Martín Hartmann, Peter Vuust, Teppo Särkämö and Petri Toiviainen Abstract Cerebello-hippocampal interactions occur during accurate spatiotemporal prediction of movements.…
Brain Connectivity Networks and the Aesthetic Experience of Music Brain Sciences, June 2018 Mark Reybrouck, Peter Vuust and Elvira Brattico Abstract Listening to music is…
The new book “Musik på hjernen” (Danish only) by Peter Vuust is released April 6, 2017.
I Masseeksperimentet 2016 undersøgte 20.000 elever, hvordan musik påvirker hjernen.
“Oxytocin improves synchronisation in leader-follower interaction”
Danske forskere vil undersøge skole- og gymnasieelevers musikalske færdigheder i et nyt, stort landsdækkende eksperiment. Undersøgelsen skal for første gang give svar på, om musiktræning forbedrer dele af vores hukommelse.
“Comparing the Performance of Popular MEG/EEG Artifact Correction Methods in an Evoked-Response Study”
Comprehensive auditory discrimination profiles recorded with a fast parametric musical multi-feature mismatch negativity paradigm Clinical Neurophysiology 2016 Peter Vuust, Lari Liikala, Risto Näätänen, Pauli Brattico,…